Nobody wants their tanning efforts to be made in vain – you want your glowing, flawless results to last as long as possible! Although we love our tanning routine and that fresh tan feeling, anything we can do to keep our tan in check is very much welcome. So what can you do to help your tan last? Here are our top four tips just for you…
TIP 1: Hydrate your skin
From the inside and on the outside! Drink plenty of water to keep your body fully hydrated, and moisturise every day to prevent the dryness which causes results to fade.
TIP 2: Keep your results topped up
You can do this by using a Gradual Tanner. Our tinted formulas will help ensure your colour remains consistent and glowing for as long as possible. Apply every two or three days after your full body tan for best results!
TIP 3: Boost your glow with Tanning Drops
If your hands or feet are starting to fade quicker than the rest of your body, add a few of our Facial Tanning Drops to your hand or foot cream before bed! It will help keep them looking as glowing and natural as the rest of your body, without the faff.
TIP 4: Don't be afraid of exfoliation
Our resident Skinny Tan Expert Claire Lambert says: “All fake tans will fade as your skin cells naturally shed, which can vary from person to person. However, you can help it to fade more naturally by gently exfoliating with our Exfoliating Mitt about 4-5 days after application; this will help to buff away any shedding dead skin cells and start the process of a natural looking ‘fade off’.”
With our top tips your tan will look flawless and glowing for longer!